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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mikee's 1st Birthday!

Mikee turned 1 last August 29 while my grandfather turned 92. We weren't able to go to Zambales that's why we just celebrated her birthday with some close friends and relatives.

It was fun though we had a little problem with the food. I ordered online but was not so happy when the food was delivered. It came in a not so appealing presentation and it seemed not enough. Although I was already panicking at that time, I still managed to smile and started the party anyway.

My friend Jean started it with a prayer while Charm was taking pictures. Then, we sang the Happy Birthday song and Mikee wasn't able to blow the cake 'coz she seemed so overwhelmed with the event. . So I blew the candle. :)

After the guests ate, it rained hard so we had to get inside the house and there we had the pulling of the pinata for the kids although they were only four including Mikee. I felt happy at that moment 'coz at last it was a kids' party even so.

Then we ate the cake and took pictures of Mikee with the gifts. Daddy opened the gifts for Mikee while I took the pics (I think it should be the other way around!)

Anyway, it's time to call it a day. So after taking pictures, we ate and cleaned up the mess and slept. The next day, I am already planning for Mikee's 2nd birthday 'coz I want a more exciting and wonderful party than this one.

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