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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mikee's First Time to Call Me "Mama"

I really felt so touched when Mikee called me "Mama" for the first time 'coz she usually calls me and everybody else, "Ate". It's an unexplainable feeling of extreme happiness. I was also surprised because whenever I teach her to say "Mommy" or "Mama", she won't listen and would just say "Ate" instead. Then, when I wasn't expecting her to say something, she blurted out "Mama" while looking at me smiling. When I said "Wow!", she began playing with the words then changed it to "Nanana".

Experts say that speech development varies accordingly and that some babies utter their first words around one year of age. Some may do this earlier. My baby can even utter "A-ko" when she was only 6 months. Then it developed to "Ku-ku" everytime she calls the dog with matching flicking of her fingers and tongue. Now, she can also say "Daddy".

I am very excited about what other words can she utter by the time she is already 1-year old.

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