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Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Angel

We were so nervous when we first learned that I was pregnant and the fact that we're going to be parents soon. After a while, we already got used to it and was amazed and overwhelmed with all the physical changes and the emotional aspects that came with it. However, I became really anxious when I was already nearing my due date. But I'm glad because I'll be seeing my baby girl already. It was just a weekly check-up but then I became really nervous and excited at the same time when my OB said that I have to be admitted because I'll be delivering my baby already.

And so, I was admitted at around 10pm on Aug 28, 2007 and experienced labor pains (but it's not actually painful) soon after my OB induced me. I was trying to feel relaxed as possible amidst the cries of the woman giving birth next to me. Then I was given a shot and I felt drowsy while waiting for the right time to push (even with all the student nurses inside the delivery room and with me lying half-naked). Anyway, at around 5am I was awaken by the contractions that are getting stronger but still not that painful the way others used to describe it. I was really praying at that time that I and my baby could do it. I was actually talking to my baby even before I was brought to the delivery room. I was telling her to help me as I push and for her to come out easily. At around 6am, the contractions are really getting stronger and more frequent.. thus the interval time is getting shorter. And at last, around 6:30am, one last push and she's out of my womb! I heard her loud cry before I fell asleep. After a while, I felt something painful so I woke up and I realized that my OB is already stitching my perinuem! That was really an experience I will never forget.

Anyway, we got out of the hospital the day after I gave birth and that was also the time I first saw Mikee. I still can't believe at that time that I am already a mommy.

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