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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mikee's 1st Christmas

Mikee was almost four months when she experienced her first Christmas. And as for me, it was my first Christmas as a mommy. It was just a simple celebration but a happy one.

I was worried her delicate ears would get irritated by the loud firecrackers but she woke up with a smile on her face. After we ate, we took some pictures and went to sleep. The next day, we attended the church service at the Heritage Hotel. It was Mikee's first time to attend a mass and that was the first hotel she ever visited. It was also kinda different 'coz it was also my first time to attend a mass with my baby.

After arriving home, we took pictures of Mikee with her gifts. She received her first ever Fisher-Price toy. It was a fish rattle and teether. She enjoyed holding it though at this age, she still can't control her hand movements very well and she ended up banging her head with the toy. It was just so fun watching her play and I can't wait to see her next Christmas when she's a year older.

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