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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mikee's First Time to Skate on Ice

It's been 2 years since I last blogged about my daughter Mikee. Well, she walked on her own a month after her first birthday, became a terrible 2 yr old girl.. and she's not just uttering some words now coz she's already a toddler! She's almost four now and we're planning on enrolling her to pre-school this June.

Anyway, those were just some updates about my Mikee and since the baby is a little girl now, she already knows what she like. She showed interest in ice skating when she was 2 years old. She probably saw it on TV and has been imitating the moves. We told her that we'll let her try to ice skate when she turns 4. However, since she's already turning 4 this Au
gust, we brought her to SM Mall of Asia Skating Rink and we both had our first try on ice skating. I was kinda nervous so I let the trainer do the work.
For 30 minutes, we tried and got tired but was satisfied at the same time.
The trainer said that she can balance and that's good sign. Unfortunately, she still cannot be enrolled in the summer ice skating class because the participant should be five years old and up.

That's our first try and hopefully we can give it a go again.

So there.. til my next blog!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Featured Photo of the Day

HI! Mikee is one of the 10 Featured Photos of the Day at To all moms out there, you might want to visit this site and upload your babies' photos and get featured!

Photos can also be voted per category and your baby might win in this photo contest. So what are you waiting for? Click here to register and start uploading.

Don't forget to vote for my baby!



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mikee's Playskool Gloworm

I agree that Playskool's Gloworm is a lovable, cuddly friend for bedtime.

Mikee got her Gloworm from her ninang Carmie for her 1st birthday. It was really cute although, at first, I thought she wouldn't like it or that she might be afraid of it. But once you press the toy and the lullaby starts to play, you will really feel sleepy and be calm.
I can say that Mikee loves this toy because she keeps it close to her side especially at night. It really soothes her when she wakes up in the middle of night. She loves the music and she even easily learned how to play it by pressing the toy's chest by her cute little finger.
It's just so sad that it's already time to change the Gloworm's battery.

Baby Furniture, etc..

Hi all! I just want to share this website that I found wherein you can buy all the accessories for your baby from furnitures to beddings to night lights.

I hope you'll enjoy looking at these fun and exciting baby stuff.

Good day to all!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mikee's First Steps

Mikee's been walking with guide since she was 9 or 10 months but has not enough courage to walk on her own. I was hoping she'll walk on her own when she turned one but still she's hesitant and would rather hold other people's hand or even a chair just so she could walk. Although I am not forcing her to walk alone, we had been practicing her everyday and just let her roam around the room by herself by holding on to something.

The article below helped me not to become so anxious about her learning to walk alone immediately. It really amazed me that it's true that children will walk when they are ready! Mikee walked alone when she was 1 yr and 1 month. We were watching TV and Mikee saw the Cerelac commercial where the baby stood and walked to his mom. She was carefully watching it and then she just played again. Then a little later she stood then danced the way she always does. She was so excited and then slowly she walked towards me. I was really surprised and really, really happy to see that very first time she walked! It was a really a "smilestone".

Now she's already walking confidently and I'm just so proud of her. :)

Is there anything you can do to encourage your baby to take his first step - or is it all genetically predetermined?

Baby's first step is a developmental milestone that most parents never forget. But waiting for this moment can be an anxious time for parents who may have friends and relatives whose children walked at an earlier age. When it comes to walking, babies are on their own time table and when they take their first step is no reflection of their intelligence, size, or the parenting skills of their mom or dad. Former family clinic supervisor at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children, Ruth McCamus, assures us that when it comes to walking, every baby is unique. "On average a child will begin walking at age of 12 or 14 months but considerable differences are likely. Some children begin walking much earlier and some as late as 21 months."

While we can't speed up a baby's first step, there are things that may hold a child back explains McCamus. "Sometimes if a baby is a very proficient crawler or roller he may be happy with this form of mobility for some time." McCamus adds that there's little a parent can do to get their children walking except to "provide an encouraging environment with lots of praise for progress. But baby herself will delight in her accomplishments."

Pediatrician Dr. Marvin Ghans agrees that outside of a little encouragement there's nothing a parent can do to change their child's walking timetable. "Children will walk when they are ready. I think it's good to take them by the hand and walk with them and help support them. But they don't really need lessons", says Dr. Ghans. He also stresses that walkers should not be used. "Walkers have been found to be cause of many accidents including serious head injuries from children falling down steps in them."

Most children are walking by the time they reach eighteen months. If your child hasn't reached this milestone by then, it is advisable to consult your baby's doctor.
Adapted from The Parent Report Radio Show.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mikee's 1st Birthday!

Mikee turned 1 last August 29 while my grandfather turned 92. We weren't able to go to Zambales that's why we just celebrated her birthday with some close friends and relatives.

It was fun though we had a little problem with the food. I ordered online but was not so happy when the food was delivered. It came in a not so appealing presentation and it seemed not enough. Although I was already panicking at that time, I still managed to smile and started the party anyway.

My friend Jean started it with a prayer while Charm was taking pictures. Then, we sang the Happy Birthday song and Mikee wasn't able to blow the cake 'coz she seemed so overwhelmed with the event. . So I blew the candle. :)

After the guests ate, it rained hard so we had to get inside the house and there we had the pulling of the pinata for the kids although they were only four including Mikee. I felt happy at that moment 'coz at last it was a kids' party even so.

Then we ate the cake and took pictures of Mikee with the gifts. Daddy opened the gifts for Mikee while I took the pics (I think it should be the other way around!)

Anyway, it's time to call it a day. So after taking pictures, we ate and cleaned up the mess and slept. The next day, I am already planning for Mikee's 2nd birthday 'coz I want a more exciting and wonderful party than this one.