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Monday, October 20, 2008

Mikee's First Steps

Mikee's been walking with guide since she was 9 or 10 months but has not enough courage to walk on her own. I was hoping she'll walk on her own when she turned one but still she's hesitant and would rather hold other people's hand or even a chair just so she could walk. Although I am not forcing her to walk alone, we had been practicing her everyday and just let her roam around the room by herself by holding on to something.

The article below helped me not to become so anxious about her learning to walk alone immediately. It really amazed me that it's true that children will walk when they are ready! Mikee walked alone when she was 1 yr and 1 month. We were watching TV and Mikee saw the Cerelac commercial where the baby stood and walked to his mom. She was carefully watching it and then she just played again. Then a little later she stood then danced the way she always does. She was so excited and then slowly she walked towards me. I was really surprised and really, really happy to see that very first time she walked! It was a really a "smilestone".

Now she's already walking confidently and I'm just so proud of her. :)

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