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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mikee's First Time to Skate on Ice

It's been 2 years since I last blogged about my daughter Mikee. Well, she walked on her own a month after her first birthday, became a terrible 2 yr old girl.. and she's not just uttering some words now coz she's already a toddler! She's almost four now and we're planning on enrolling her to pre-school this June.

Anyway, those were just some updates about my Mikee and since the baby is a little girl now, she already knows what she like. She showed interest in ice skating when she was 2 years old. She probably saw it on TV and has been imitating the moves. We told her that we'll let her try to ice skate when she turns 4. However, since she's already turning 4 this Au
gust, we brought her to SM Mall of Asia Skating Rink and we both had our first try on ice skating. I was kinda nervous so I let the trainer do the work.
For 30 minutes, we tried and got tired but was satisfied at the same time.
The trainer said that she can balance and that's good sign. Unfortunately, she still cannot be enrolled in the summer ice skating class because the participant should be five years old and up.

That's our first try and hopefully we can give it a go again.

So there.. til my next blog!